Garden work and Consulting

My gardening services range from an initial consultation in which we walk the property and discuss options, seasonal clean up or pruning, planting annual flower designs,  installations as well as weekly/biweekly maintenance programs. I take the time to learn about all of your favorite growing things and your garden dreams. This is personalized garden care!

Have a green thumb or a desire for a garden but need some help getting things started? If you prefer to do the work yourself or just need some pointers, I’m happy to help!

Consultations generally take 1 hr and includes an itemized estimate. $100 for first site visit, returning visits billed by time spent.

Monthly Maintenance 1-2 hrs weekly or biweekly depending on needs. Includes harvesting, planting (plants not included in pricing but can be purchased for a shopping fee) weed pulling, pruning, shaping and organic pest control. $50-75/hr depending on tasks at hand and size/location of area

Installations Landscape redo, flower garden, vegetable garden, etc. An estimate will be provided after consultation: ranges from $75-$100/hr labor plus materials.

Large scale clean ups, mass planting or hardscaping projects such as mulch or gravel are often referred to a second party landscape technician that I trust with my own garden. I’d be happy to set up a consultation for you. We work together to make the magic happen.

**Some projects may require a deposit for supplies purchased in advance. Deposit generally will be 50% of total estimate.

DISTANCE FEE: a distance fee of .55/per mile applies to all locations outside of ten mile radius from Hobby Airport


 community garden day in Austin, TX 2011


ongoing projects in Houston, TX